Friday, January 22, 2010

That Pesky Mouse

Well, it's 9.30pm on a Friday evening and I'm exhausted. The reason for my lack of energy and wakefulness, a tiny little mouse.

Yesterday a little mouse seemed bound and determined to keep me awake all night long. He somehow got into my bedroom and just as I was falling asleep the sound of chomping could be heard from the closet.

I quickly sat up and turned on the light to investigate but there was nothing there and no noise. Thinking that it was just my imagination I went back to sleep. Again just before I fell into the deep blissful nothingness. Chomping could be heard from the closet.

Rinse and repeat several times, until finally I grab the flashlight and throw a spotlight on the little critter fast enough to prove I am not going mad.

Enter Lizzi, my dog, who is the best mouser I have ever seen, but she's a lab/chow and just a little too large to catch said mouse who has now escaped under the bed. Enter Louise, my cat, who's about a much use as two knobs of goat poo in a high wind. By this time it's 3.30am YAWN.

I decided to take affirmative if not barbaric action and dig out a mouse trap. I put some chocolate on it and put it in the closet. Then went back to bed with ear plugs shoved in my ear canal. Even through those, the sound of chomping scrapes at my senses. Now 5am.

How can a tiny creature have the ability to create so much noise???? After about 3 hours of sleep total, I awake to see the cheeky little buggar has done away with the chocolate, leaving the mouse trap untripped. So I replaced the latter with peanut butter and hope for the best.

I don't go completely pyscho over mice like alot of people would, but I do get very protective over my sleep and this little critter just forced sleep deprivation on the wrong girl.

The only thing I want to wake me up tonight is a snap and squeak. Then blissful silence.

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