Monday, January 4, 2010

A Most Unusual Character

I was asked who I thought my most unusual character was. I had to think really hard about that because most of my characters are unusual in someway or another. To explain the intricacies here would spoil the twists and turns, for the reader, that unfold for some of the characters on their journey through the series.

Obviously Faen and Jocelyn are unusual, in the very fact that they appear as ordinary pets at the start of the story. If I really had to define one, I would have to say that Todmus is probably the most unusual character at this stage in my head. He starts out as this unassuming little man, a trusted friend of Faen, but he has some surprises up his sleeve (in a good way) that surprise even the people who have known him the longest.

The redcaps are definitely unusual, just for the simple fact they are so grotesque and evil.

The king and Henry both have a past they'd rather Faedra didn't find out about, but I don't know if that would class them as unusual. And I have so many other characters in my head that haven't even made it onto the page yet. They are scrabbling to get out and some of them will be emerging in the next book.

What do you think? Who would you choose as my most unusual character?

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