Wednesday, January 6, 2010

For the love of your characters

I think most authors fall in love with their characters. I know I did and that was the main reason why I decided to write more books in the series. I just wasn't ready to let them go at that point and ended up writing in several unanswered questions and a cliff-hanger just so that I would be forced to write another. I also wanted to see how they would develop as people and how their relationships would evolve.

Now you may think that is quite an odd thing to say because aren't these characters already in my head? Surely I should know everything there is to know about them already, right? Wrong. You may be surprised to learn that it doesn't really work like that, not for me anyway.

My characters are growing as a I write them. At this point I have no idea how they are going to turn out because they could change at any time. You see when you write a book storylines can change. A plot line you thought was headed in one direction could suddenly change when an idea hits you right between the eyes while you're rinsing your hair in the shower. Which happens to me with worrying regularity.

Actually, scary as it may seem, alot of my ideas come to me in the shower. For some unknown reason, my characters will not shut up when I am covered in soap suds. Whole scenes of dialogue will unfold between massaging shampoo into my scalp and rinsing it off. Then I'm desperate to hurry up and get out so that I can write it all down.

Personally I think that as an author you have to love your characters, because let's face it, if you don't love them, why would anyone else care about them? And that's one of the main things you want your reader to do, is to be able to connect with your characters. Join them in their adventures every time they open the book and start reading.

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