Monday, September 7, 2009

Just Another Day in the Country

Today was Labor Day and I spent most of it moving hay. (Very poetic) However, bouncing around on a tractor for 5 hours is not:-)

I'm not complaining. It was a beautiful day, and with the leaves already starting to turn it was a sharp reminder that there is still lots to do to prepare for winter, especially when you have animals, like I do.

My friend Andi, who I might add is the friend who designed my book cover, kindly loaned me her tractor so that I could move 6 big round bales of hay from her property to mine, in readiness for the winter months when I will bring my horses back from being on pasture at her ranch.

I live in the trees, so my horses get to "vacation" all summer long with her horses on 40 acres of lush green grass. Then they come home for the winter where I can keep an eye on them and feed them up on grain and alfalfa. No, I don't baby my horses in any way, shape or form :-)

I absolutely love this time of year, the bugs start to disappear, it gets cool enough to ride comfortably. The colors of fall are just awesome, and a great source of inspiration for me. If you read my book you'll understand why.

It's hard to believe it is the end of summer, it only seems five minutes since it was Memorial Day and everyone was looking forward to long summer days. Now winter is just around the corner and that's just fine by me. I do most of my writing in the winter. The cold dark nights are just perfect for it. Cozied up under a warm fleece blanket, laptop on lap, letting the words flow. I should have the 2nd book in my planned "Custodian" triolgy finished by the end of the year.

Happy fall to everyone, hope you all had a wonderful Labor Day.

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