Thursday, October 22, 2009

Preferred Writing Style

When you read a book it's usually written in one of 2 writing styles. There is the 1st person or 3rd person style.

For those of you who are not familiar with this terminology it basically means that a book written in the 1st person is told by the protagonist, and is seen through their eyes. Lots of people like this because they really get inside the main character’s head and the whole story revolves around just her.

Writing in the 3rd person means the author can write the story from anyone's point of view in the book, providing there is a pause between the scenes. It is not good to change POV’s within a scene, a mistake I have made in my first book, The Amulet, and at this point I don’t think I’m going to change it.

My preference leans towards the 3rd person writing style, only because I like to know what is going on in different people’s heads not just the protagonist’s. I prefer reading books written in the 3rd person. Agents also think it shows more talent as a writer to be able to narrate from different character’s perspectives and not just one character. I admit I have to agree with them but that is just my opinion, so please don’t shoot me.

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