Thursday, August 13, 2009

Everyone's Got To Start Somewhere

It's a funny old world, init (as some of us English folk say). My world on the outside is probably just as normal as the next person's. I have my trials and tribulations, like everyone else, but I've been blessed with a life of unforgettable experiences, both good and bad.

I have a knack with numbers, which has allowed me to earn a decent living as an accountant. I run my own business now doing just that. But I was born with an imagination that refused to dwindle with age. That and the fact I have become increasingly fed up with the real world over the years, prompted me to put fingers to keyboard and create my own, but who would inhabit it?

For some unknown reason, I love all things fae. The legend of fairies fascinates me. I collect them, I read about them, and now I write about them, too. And that my friends is how the Land of Azran was created, if only in my imagination.

My hope for this blog is to show you a little sneek peek inside a very peculiar mind that not many people see on the outside. Lord knows I don't think that all my clients would trust me with their finances if they new the inner workings of my brain, but until I make the ranks of bestselling author I have to stick to reality, if only for 8 hours of the day.

Thanks for reading

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